Superstitious Storage
Spring 2024
Unity 3D
Player Input
​Superstitious Storage is a prototype made by a team of 8 over the course of 3-4 weeks. In the game, the player is putting away packages in a creepy warehouse where different environmental factors based on stereotypical "bad luck" items attempt to give the player a sense of unease.
On this project I worked to develop a tool for the designers to use when setting up the packages. To do this, I randomly selected an index from a list of structs with editable fields. The package manager is fully customizable in the inspector for designers to change the packages code, correct anchor location, and total number of packages. The inspector for the package manager is shown blow. This involved making prefabs for the package and anchor, as well as writing documentation for the designers to use.
One thing I have learned since making this tool is how to hide fields in the inspector that the designers don’t need to see using attributes. I should have used that for the Package field because it is set in code when the package is spawned.
I was also responsible for creating the player’s movement and input controls. I used Cinemachine, a unity package with optimized camera controls, for the first time during this project as well as Unity’s new input system to create the player controller.