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Project NUS


Spring 2024

Unity 3D



Project NUS is a narrative puzzle game prototype in which the player is exploring the inside of an alien facility and the ocean surrounding it. It was made by a team of 8 over the course of 3-4 weeks. It includes three stages of puzzles in which the player interacts with the environment to solve it.

I was responsible for creating the puzzles using the interaction system made by another team member. I implemented the IInteractable interface and wrote the functionality for each individual interact-able object needed for the puzzles. I ran into some issues using the trigger based system with no priority for the interact-able items so I spent time coming up with work-around solutions to those issues.


Also on this project I used unity’s input box for the first time. One of the puzzles involved a terminal that the player had to input a code into, so I worked with the UI specialist on our team to implement that as well as the menus.

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